York Haven and other towns across Pennsylvania are putting proactive measures in place to quell the spread of COVID-19. Disruptions to school, work, and major public gatherings are already manifesting and it’s important to stay up to date on what’s happening in the York Haven, PA community.

Stay up to date and informed with our resources: Breaking public health news, information on your local Pennsylvania hospitals and healthcare facilities, information from the Pennsylvania Public Health Department, and Twitter updates from Pennsylvania government officials. Continue to visit our website for the latest updates.

Pennsylvania COVID-19 Cases

Pennsylvania New Coronavirus Cases:
Pennsylvania Total Coronavirus Cases: 3,561,872
Pennsylvania New Coronavirus Deaths:
Pennsylvania Total Coronavirus Deaths: 51,144
U.S. New Coronavirus Cases: 1,648
U.S. Total Coronavirus Cases: 107,184,620
U.S. New Coronavirus Deaths: 8
U.S. Total Coronavirus Deaths: 1,166,662
Last updated June 10, 2023
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Coronavirus News for York Haven

Five years later: Seeing COVID-19 in the rearview mirror

Ominous and unstoppable, the coronavirus disease reached the West Coast of the United States in January 2020, the first confirmed case of what became known as COVID-19 turning up near Seattle. Nearly ... More info »

Yahoo - 03/15/2025 12:37pm

Five years since initial response to coronavirus spread in the United States

By the time the coronavirus had begun to spread throughout the United States, officials were still unsure of how contagious the virus was. Much of the country was still focused on the upcoming 2020 ... More info »

WFIN - 03/12/2025 01:12pm

How do you feel your community is responding to the coronavirus crisis:

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