White Plains and other towns across New York are putting proactive measures in place to quell the spread of COVID-19. Disruptions to school, work, and major public gatherings are already manifesting and it’s important to stay up to date on what’s happening in the White Plains, NY community.
Stay up to date and informed with our resources: Breaking public health news, information on your local New York hospitals and healthcare facilities, information from the New York Public Health Department, and Twitter updates from New York government officials. Continue to visit our website for the latest updates.
New York COVID-19 Cases
New York Total Coronavirus Cases: 7,028,688
New York New Coronavirus Deaths: 2
New York Total Coronavirus Deaths: 77,685
U.S. Total Coronavirus Cases: 107,184,620
U.S. New Coronavirus Deaths: 8
U.S. Total Coronavirus Deaths: 1,166,662
Coronavirus News for White Plains
Coronavirus: Westchester death toll rises to 19, Monday confirmed cases map
As days go by these numbers will stop being numbers and they’ll start to be the face of friends, of relatives." - George Latimer ... More info »
Bengals Wire - 03/30/2020 07:12am29-Year-Old Nurse Who Left Home State to Help Coronavirus Patients Is Now Battling Brain Cancer
Ian Youngblood was diagnosed with Grade IV Glioblastoma after he left his home in Arizona to help patients diagnosed with coronavirus in New York City ... care unit at White Plains Hospital. More info »
People - 07/06/2020 08:30am