San Joaquin and other towns across California are putting proactive measures in place to quell the spread of COVID-19. Disruptions to school, work, and major public gatherings are already manifesting and it’s important to stay up to date on what’s happening in the San Joaquin, CA community.

Stay up to date and informed with our resources: Breaking public health news, information on your local California hospitals and healthcare facilities, information from the California Public Health Department, and Twitter updates from California government officials. Continue to visit our website for the latest updates.

California COVID-19 Cases

California New Coronavirus Cases:
California Total Coronavirus Cases: 12,275,995
California New Coronavirus Deaths:
California Total Coronavirus Deaths: 102,958
U.S. New Coronavirus Cases: 1,648
U.S. Total Coronavirus Cases: 107,184,620
U.S. New Coronavirus Deaths: 8
U.S. Total Coronavirus Deaths: 1,166,662
Last updated June 10, 2023
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Coronavirus News for San Joaquin

How Riverside County won California’s pandemic economy

Riverside was California’s top county job creator, adding 77,400 workers in the five years that ended in 2024’s third quarter, federal stats show. Next on the county scorecard was San Bernardino, up ... More info »

The San Diego Union-Tribune - 03/18/2025 09:25am

How Riverside County won California’s pandemic economy

During these pandemic years, the overall population of California fell by 124,400 residents. Riverside roughly tripled the state’s No. 2 county for population growth, San Joaquin, at 36,900. More info »

Orange County Register - 03/18/2025 02:25am

How do you feel your community is responding to the coronavirus crisis:

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