Antwerp and other towns across Ohio are putting proactive measures in place to quell the spread of COVID-19. Disruptions to school, work, and major public gatherings are already manifesting and it’s important to stay up to date on what’s happening in the Antwerp, OH community.

Stay up to date and informed with our resources: Breaking public health news, information on your local Ohio hospitals and healthcare facilities, information from the Ohio Public Health Department, and Twitter updates from Ohio government officials. Continue to visit our website for the latest updates.

Ohio COVID-19 Cases

Ohio New Coronavirus Cases:
Ohio Total Coronavirus Cases: 3,452,948
Ohio New Coronavirus Deaths:
Ohio Total Coronavirus Deaths: 42,313
U.S. New Coronavirus Cases: 1,648
U.S. Total Coronavirus Cases: 107,184,620
U.S. New Coronavirus Deaths: 8
U.S. Total Coronavirus Deaths: 1,166,662
Last updated June 10, 2023
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Coronavirus News for Antwerp

COVID-19 cases decrease for fifth week: Coronavirus update for Thursday, Marach 13, 2025

COVID-19 case numbers had stayed mostly steady at around 5,500 cases since mid-January, until they began falling in February. This week’s case number is the lowest since mid-November. More info » on MSN - 03/13/2025 06:10am

Defying their own dire projection, the Orthodox Jewish community of Antwerp has weathered the coronavirus surprisingly well

Yet Antwerp’s Jewish community has weathered the pandemic — one that has killed about 10,000 of their compatriots, giving Belgium the world’s highest per capita COVID-19 death rate (behind t ... More info »

Jewish Telegraphic Agency - 06/11/2020 05:30am

How do you feel your community is responding to the coronavirus crisis:

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